Freshness and naturalness.

Fresh milk, which is the raw material of Enka Dairy products; It is collected twice a day, separately in the evening and in the morning, from the milk of the Central Anatolia and Mediterranean Regions and from more than 15,000 producers. After the necessary controls are made by the veterinarians, it is delivered to the collection centers without delay.

In Enka Dairy products, which never compromises on the principle of naturalness, every stage of production is meticulously inspected by food engineers and dairy technologists, starting with milk purchase. Fresh, clean and high quality products are produced with natural flavor and no additives are used.

Health in every product

We meticulously focus on safety and health in production, and preserve the vitamins and minerals found in the nature of fresh milk with pasteurization in accordance with international norms. High Dairy products processed in high-tech production facilities are produced at Enka Süt with all their nutritional values preserved. For hygiene control, samples were taken from 250 different points in the factory. microbiological analyzes are made and before the products are put on the market, a sample is taken from each of these products and both microbiological and chemical analyzes are completed.

Chemical and Microbiological Analysis Laboratories

Milk and dairy products are produced and controlled in a healthy, high quality and standard manner in accordance with the relevant legislation and in a quality that will be appreciated by the consumer, in the Chemical and Microbiological Analysis Laboratories with advanced technological facilities established within the enterprise. Necessary analyzes are carried out with great care at all stages from purchasing raw milk to placing the products on the market.

The choice of 60% of the first 500 companies in Turkey is Enka

For the first time in Turkey, we added added value to the Turkish food industry by producing whey powder and its derivatives, cheese and yogurt powder, cream and butter powder.

We believe we can do better.

Research and development in production is indispensable for Enka Süt. For this reason, we have created an advanced R&D department in order to closely follow the constantly developing sectoral changes and to direct new production studies. With this department, we have succeeded in becoming one of the pioneering organizations that implemented the R&D department for the first time in its sector in Turkey. In order to increase our contribution to the country's economy, we are in close cooperation with universities and other private institutions, and we continue to exchange views and information, and in this way, we continue to provide training to our personnel on constantly developing technology and hygiene.

How can we help you?

For questions about our products, please fill out the contact form.

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